Anna M. Elias-Perez, LGBTQ+ Liaison to the City Manager

Municipal Equality Index Score
Virginia Beach received a perfect score on the Municipal Equality Index for the fifth consecutive year in a row. Read the blog that acknowledges and celebrates this achievement!
Know Your Status
The Virginia Beach Department of Human Services offers fast, free and confidential HIV screenings. Results are known in about a minute.
Municipal Services & Programs
The City of Virginia Beach is proud to work with the Virginia Beach Human Rights Commission (HRC) to identify and eliminate discrimination. Collaboration between the HRC and the LGBTQ+ Liaison to the City Manager are essential to ​making sure that city policies and services are inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community.
The City of Virginia Beach provides several programs and services to the LGBTQ+ community, and we insist on having policies that are inclusive, welcoming, and ensure the safety of those involved in those services. As such, we provide services to LGBTQ+ Youth, Homeless, and elders in the community.
We also have intolerance of bullying for youth, which is demonstrated in our Youth Bullying Prevention Policy for City Services. We believe in having programs specific to LGBTQ+ youth and regularly host programs in our libraries, Parks & Recreation Department and Virginia Aquarium.
​We regularly provide free testing for the HIV/AIDS population and work closely with the LGBT Life Center to ensure that our LGBTQ+ community has resources at their disposal for all aspects of their life. Our Human Services prevention provides free HIV testing, and we provide support for those in the community struggling with housing.
Unfortunately, intolerance and marginalization can still create barriers to equality and opportunity for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families​, but the City remains committed to fostering positive change.
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