Small Business Resources
The City of Virginia Beach, as well as many regional and state agencies, can provide small businesses with the tools they need to grow.
Virginia Beach Economic Development
4525 Main Street, Suite 700
The HIVE - Business Resource Center
The HIVE offers mentorship, networking, and a variety of fundamental resources to support an innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem in Virginia Beach.
Thrive @ The HIVE
Thrive @ The HIVE offers workspace and various business resources at no cost to eligible Virginia Beach entrepreneurs to help them succeed and grow.
Manage Your Workforce
Motivating staff and inspiring loyalty can help you get the most out of your employees. It begins with hiring the right people for your needs.
Library Resources
From resume-building workshops to business planning guides, the library serves as a valuable hub for professional development and entrepreneurial support in the Virginia Beach community.
Closing a Business
There are a few administrative items you should complete if you sell, close, or move your business out of the City of Virginia Beach.
Glossary of Terms
Access the glossary of common terminology and acronyms relating to business plans, accounting, finance, and other aspects of small business.
Free Workshops
These workshops are accessible to anyone who may be interested in learning, collaborating with community members, and/or growing their entrepreneurial skills.
VBePay Portal
With the new VBePay system, existing businesses are able to make payments, file business license renewals and update their information online.
Documents and Forms
Access this collection of important documents and forms for business licenses, business property as well as tax relief.
Research Resources
Virginia Beach Public Library has resources and staff to assist you in navigating these resources.