Decorative Lighting for City Facilities
At City Council’s discretion, certain City buildings and facilities may be illuminated in support of causes or interests.
Eligible Facilities
The following facilities can accommodate different lighting schemes:
Building 30/ECCS Building
The Emergency Communications & Citizen Services building located at the Municipal Center near the intersection of Nimmo Parkway and Princess Anne Road.
Greenwich Flyover
The lighted bridge structure crossing I-264 and connecting Cleveland Street to Greenwich Road.
Lesner Bridge
Bridge structure connecting the bay area to the Oceanfront via Shore Drive, crossing the Lynnhaven Inlet at the Mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
- Exceptions: Red and green have specific navigational purposes and are reserved by the U.S. Coast Guard and may not be used for decorative purposes on the Lesner Bridge. Other colors may be substituted, or may be omitted from a submitted color scheme.
- Due to navigational concerns, frequent color changes of the Lesner Bridge are discouraged and may be more difficult to accommodate.
Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center
The main building of the Virginia Aquarium located at 717 General Booth Blvd.
- Exceptions: Lighting schemes for the Aquarium are subject to the needs of the department and may deviate from the standard schedule for operational or programmatic purposes.
Virginia Beach Convention Center
The main building of the convention center located at 1000 19th Street.
- Exceptions: Lighting schemes for the Convention Center are subject to the needs of the department and may deviate from the standard schedule for operational or programmatic purposes.

Making a Request
Any individual or organization that desires a special lighting scheme for facilities or bridges may request one through their City Council member.
The request process requires significant coordination and planning. In order to afford yourself the best opportunity, please submit your request at least a month in advance of when you would like to see the lighting change take place.
All requests are approved solely by the Virginia Beach City Council as part of their regular agenda process. City staff do not make a determination on whether or not to approve a decorative lighting request.
City Council, at its discretion, may approve a special lighting scheme through a resolution or ordinance identifying support for an issue, specifying the lighting scheme, locations, and how long it will run. Upon completion of the lighting scheme timeframe, the default lighting schedule will resume.
The decision to approve the display of a decorative color is considered government speech. When a request is received, it is a suggestion that the City engage in an expressive activity (lighting a building or structure). The City is the speaker and is not, by analogy, handing its microphone to a third-party organization to engage in its own speech.
In this analogy, the City is only providing a process where outside entities can suggest to the City a type of speech they hope the City will engage in.
Submitting a Request
Requests for a decorative lighting scheme must be submitted through your City Council representative. Not sure which City Council member to contact? Use the District Look-up Tool to find your district or email

Default Lighting Schedule
Date Range
Default colors/year round
Date Range
Multiple dates
Warm white/blue in center
May 31 Remembrance
Date Range
May 24-31
Light blue/blue
The colors of red and green have specific navigational uses and are reserved by the US Coast Guard. They may not be available for some schemes and must be avoided for Lesner Bridge. Other colors may be substituted, or they may be omitted from the scheme.