Independent Citizen Review Board (ICRB)
The ICRB is a law enforcement civilian oversight body appointed by City Council.
Public Meeting Notice
Nimmo Republican Women Club will be held on March 3, 2025, at 6 p.m. at Virginia Beach National Golf Club, 2500 Tournament Drive, Virginia Beach. Three or more members of the Independent Citizen Review Board may attend.
The purpose of the Independent Citizen Review Board (ICRB) is to ensure that reports and conclusions of the Police Department’s Internal Affairs Office investigations involving abuse of authority or other serious misconduct are complete, accurate, and factually supported.
Schedule & Membership
Board Information
Minutes, Agendas & Documents
- Jan. 17: Agenda | Minutes
- Feb. 21: Agenda | Minutes
- March 14 (Town Hall): Agenda | Minutes
- March 20: - Agenda | Minutes
- April 6: Business Meeting Agenda | Minutes
- April 6 (Town Hall): Agenda | Minutes
- April 17: Agenda | Minutes
- May 15: Agenda | Minutes
- May 20 (Town Hall): Agenda | Minutes
- June 12: Agenda | Minutes
- July 17: Agenda | Minutes
- July 20: Agenda | Minutes
- July 30 (Town Hall): Agenda | Minutes
- Aug. 21: Agenda | Minutes
- Sept. 18: Agenda | Minutes
- Oct. 16: Agenda | Canceled
- Nov. 20: Agenda | Minutes
- Dec. 18: Agenda
Frequently Asked Questions
In 2020, the Virginia General Assembly passed legislation that granted localities the option to establish a law enforcement civilian oversight body and to empower the oversight body with certain duties, including subpoena power and the ability to make policy suggestions.
Virginia Beach’s Investigation Review Panel (IRP), which had been in place since 1991, were charged with similar duties, however this new law allowed for the creation of a law enforcement civilian oversight body that can engage more with the community and one that more inclusively represents the demographic makeup of the city.
In November 2021, Virginia Beach City Council voted in favor of the creation of the Independent Citizen Review Board, the first city in Hampton Roads to do so.
The Independent Citizen Review Board (ICRB) is an 11-member board appointed by the City Council, reflecting the values and demographic makeup of the City of Virginia Beach. In addition to the 11 voting members, the board may include up to two non-voting members with law enforcement experience.
Collectively, the board completed more than 600 hours of training prior to beginning their duties, including constitutional law courses, education on police operations and policy, use of force, ride-alongs as well as continuing education.
If you are interested in applying to be on the ICRB, visit the “Relevant Documents” section for the ICRB Talent Bank Application.Of the voting members originally appointed, four board members were appointed for terms of three years, four members for terms of two years, and three members were appointed for a term of one year. For non-voting members, one will be appointed for three years, and one will be appointed for two years.
Board members’ terms are staggered to ensure continuity and prevent disruption to the review process. After the original appointment, all member terms will be for three years. All members may be re-appointed for no more than one consecutive term.
Current membership and terms can be found in the “Members” section.
At the conclusion of an Internal Affairs Office investigation, the Police Department mails the findings to the complainant along with a brochure about the ICRB and a request for review form. The complainant must submit the request for review form in writing within 90 days of the mailing.
The ICRB will review the investigation file and information provided on the request for review form prior to conducting a hearing. Within 30 calendar days of receiving the investigation file from the Police Department, the ICRB will conduct a hearing to review the investigation.
At the hearing, the board will hear statements from the complainant, witnesses and the Police Department. The board aims to foster a continuous dialogue between Virginia Beach residents and the Police Department, and therefore, all investigative review hearings will be open to the public.
Any person appearing before the board may be accompanied by legal counsel who may advise them but may not participate in the proceedings.
Within five working days of the conclusion of the board’s deliberations, the ICRB will submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the City Manager. Notification of the board’s decision is provided to the complainant in writing.
In its findings, the board may:
- Concur with the findings of the Police Department investigation.
- Advise the City Manager that the findings are not supported by the information reasonably available to the department.
- Advise the City Manager that in its judgment the investigation is incomplete.
At any time, whether in conjunction with an investigation review or not, the board may provide policy or procedure recommendations to the City Manager and/or Police Chief. For transparency and accountability, the recommendations and the responses from the Police Department will be made publicly available.
Please fill out our request form if you wish for a board member to attend your meeting and discuss the ICRB.