Appointive Agencies
City Council appoints members to approximately 60 various Boards and Commissions as vacancies occur. Interested residents may apply by submitting a Talent Bank Application to the City Clerk.
Appointive Agencies with vacancies are listed within the City Council Formal Session Agendas until appointments are made. City Council policy requires that Council Members discuss appointments and make nominations during Closed Session before appointing the nominee at the next Formal Session.
During the period between nomination and appointment, Council Members review Talent Bank Applications and requirements for filling the vacant seat.
Boards are defined as advisory City Council appointive agencies which are prescribed by the Virginia State Code as "Boards" as well as locally established bodies. The duties of the boards pertain to, or are governed by, federal and state codes or local ordinances.
Commissions are defined as advisory City Council appointive agencies which are prescribed by the Virginia State Code as "Commissions" as well as locally established bodies for a specific purpose with budgetary responsibility and a structured organization with an annual report to City Council.
Committees are defined as short-term advisory agencies appointed by City Council for specific studies with regular reporting periods to the governing body. Committees shall be automatically abolished when their mission is accomplished and the final report is filed with the city clerk for distribution to City Council.
The list below provides a brief description of the Appointive Agency terms, composition requirements and meeting information. More information on each Appointive Agency can be found by selecting the hyperlink.
If you would like to serve on an Appointive Agency, you may either reach out to the council liaison or your district councilmember to share your interest in serving.