May 3, 2024

Public Invited to Provide Input on the City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Five open-house-style meetings scheduled in May

The City’s Planning Department is in the homestretch of developing the 2040 Comprehensive Plan – a document that details the development guidelines that will shape Virginia Beach for the next 20 years and beyond. The public is invited to review the draft policies and provide feedback at one of five upcoming drop-in, open-house-style meetings.

After gathering input from community members about their aspirations for the city, staff and consultants created rules and strategies to guide future construction that incorporate resident priorities.

“For instance, we heard people say that limiting urban sprawl and retaining current open spaces is a goal,” said Virginia Beach Comprehensive Planner Hank Morrison. “If that’s the case, then future growth will need to focus on infill and redevelopment.”

Previous public meetings helped establish themes and big ideas that have been used to organize the plan, and these upcoming meetings are intended to gather feedback that will allow the team to fine tune ideas and ensure nothing has been overlooked.

Attendees may arrive at any time during the two-hour meeting to visit stations that will be set up around the room. Staff and consultants at each station will provide explanations, answer questions and record input.


For those who are unable to attend an in-person meeting, videos explaining draft policies and an opportunity to provide feedback will be available online at starting June 3. For comments or questions, residents should contact the Comprehensive Planning team at or call (757) 385-4319.

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