Be In The Know
June 16, 2023
Attend the Dedication of the Newest Fire & EMS Station in Virginia Beach
The Burton Station Fire & EMS Station 22 dedication ceremony will take place June 22.

The Virginia Beach Fire Department and Virginia Beach Emergency Medical Services will hold a dedication ceremony for the newest fire and EMS station servicing Virginia Beach - Burton Station Fire & EMS Station #22. Located in District 4 off Northampton Boulevard (1160 Tolliver Road), the station serves the Northwest corridor of the city and has an assist area that encompasses Stations 2, 7 and 4.
This state-of-the art public safety facility is more than 14,000 square feet and features three apparatus bays, quarters for firefighters and EMS personnel, a decontamination room, physical training room, community room and more. Land clearing and construction began in May 2021, and the station began operating in March of this year.
The official ribbon-cutting for Station 22 will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, June 22, at 2 p.m. Tours of the new station will be provided following the dedication.

Looking to work in an incredible facility such as this and for a great city? Join the Virginia Beach Fire Department or Virginia Beach EMS. Visit or to learn more and start your application today!