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Answering the Most Asked Questions About EMS Compassionate Billing
Read FAQs to gain a better understanding of the process of exploring potential billing for ambulance transport.

At the end of 2024, Virginia Beach City Council approved a resolution to start the exploratory process of a compassionate billing program for emergency medical services through the FY 2025-26 budget process. Preparations for EMS compassionate billing will not be final unless formally approved by City Council when it is voted on in mid-May 2025.
Virginia Beach EMS (VBEMS) wants residents to be informed about compassionate billing. In this blog, we gathered the most asked questions about the program and answered them with accurate information.
What is compassionate billing?
It means a patient’s ability to pay or health insurance coverage will not be a consideration when it comes to the care received. With compassionate billing, a patient’s health insurance will be billed for an ambulance transport.
Insured patients already pay for ambulance transport as part of their premiums to insurance companies. A compassionate billing program would minimize out-of-pocket expenses for insured residents by waiving copays or deductibles after their health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid have been billed.
For uninsured patients, there will be provisions to minimize or avoid out-of-pocket expenses such as the option of submitting a waiver form ensuring financial hardship is avoided.
Will the compassionate billing program increase taxes?
A compassionate billing program is the best solution to increase funding for the VBEMS services and the volunteer rescue squads. The program can take advantage of insurance funds already being paid by policy holders. These funds directly benefit VBEMS and the volunteer rescue squads — all while avoiding an additional tax burden on residents in the foreseeable future.
Can I be denied emergency medical services because of a lack of insurance or an inability to pay?
EMS billing will not be a consideration when providing patient care. No resident will ever be denied service, and every patient will be offered the same degree of care from EMS providers.
Why is the City now moving to EMS compassionate billing?
The City’s EMS system is financially strained and challenged to sustain adequate operations. Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad expenses have increased more than 40% in the last three to four years, and volunteer fundraising efforts have not increased proportionately. The EMS operating budget has more than doubled in the past five years. However, the number of active volunteers has decreased since 2019.
Because of this, the Rescue Council commissioned a feasibility study conducted by AP Triton Consulting regarding compassionate billing with support from VBEMS. The feasibility study found that billing patients’ health insurance could provide more than $14 million in annual funding for EMS and volunteer rescue squads.
With these findings, Virginia Beach EMS, with Rescue Council support, is pursuing implementation of a compassionate billing program.
Inflation has affected emergency medical services significantly around the country — driving up costs of new ambulances, supplies, pharmaceuticals and equipment. These challenges greatly impact the delivery of service to the community. Implementation of a compassionate billing program is the best path to avoid any tax increase to Virginia Beach residents.
If the City approves EMS compassionate billing, will it affect the volunteer system? Will residents stop volunteering?
The VB Rescue Council, which represents the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squads and its volunteers, wants to maintain a strong volunteer presence in the EMS system while continuing exceptional care to the community. Operating expenses continue to increase while donations and fundraising have not kept up. Introducing compassionate billing will provide funding to ensure volunteer rescue squads continue to thrive and have sufficient funding to continue delivering exceptional prehospital care.
Implementing a compassionate billing program can provide relief so rescue squad personnel and volunteers can concentrate on efforts, programs and initiatives to ensure it continues to thrive and serve the community.
EMS is an award-winning third-service agency that answers more than 53,000 calls for service annually. Through VB Rescue, EMS uses a combined career-volunteer workforce and was named a 2024 American Heart Association Mission: Lifeline Gold EMS Agency. Learn more about EMS by visiting You can also contact Virginia Beach EMS at
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