District 2 Community Meeting Hosted by Councilmember Barbara Henley
Date & Time
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024
5:15p.m. - 7:00p.m. (1h 45m)
Municipal Center - Building 19
2416 Courthouse Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23456

Councilmember Henley holds a monthly District 2 community meeting to update residents on current city projects and issues. Attendees have the opportunity to build relationships with other members of the community, engage and participate in the conversation and have their questions addressed.
The meeting is typically held the fourth Thursday of each month in Bldg. 19, Rooms A & B at the Municipal Center, except for November and December due to the holidays. There is no meeting in November and the last meeting of the year is held in early December.
Please direct requests for communication assistance, an accommodation, auxiliary aid, or modification to policy in order to participate in a City program, service or activity to the ADA Coordinator, 757-385-8444, as soon as possible before the program, service or activity is scheduled to begin, but in all instances no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event. You can also email requests to ADAcoordinator@vbgov.com, or contact the City Manager's Office at 757-385-4242.
Explore your transportation options before you go. Hampton Roads Transit, in partnership with the City of Virginia Beach, offers 20 bus routes to service Virginia Beach residents.