August 10, 2022

Virginia Beach Police Department recognized as a CALEA Accredited Agency for the Sixth Time

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA – On July 23, 2022, the Virginia Beach Police Department (VBPD) received official notification from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA®) that they had been awarded Law Enforcement Advanced Accreditation.

CALEA was created in 1979 as a credentialing authority through the joint efforts of law enforcement’s major executive associations.

CALEA describes this award as, “the foundation for a successful, well-managed, transparent, community-focused public safety agency”. CALEA standards provide the department with a proven management system of written directives, sound training, clearly defined lines of authority, and resource allocation. VBPD takes each of these objectives seriously and works hard to achieve this status in a continued effort to demonstrate to the citizens of Virginia Beach our level of commitment and professional service to the community.

This marks the sixth time the VBPD has received this distinct honor. This award is valid for four years, but the VBPD must always remain in compliance to maintain its good standing.

“CALEA congratulates the Virginia Beach Police Department for demonstrating a commitment to professional excellence through accreditation. The CALEA Accreditation indices are the marks of professional excellence and should be displayed proudly by those that have earned them.”

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Police - Public Affairs Office

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