January 14, 2022

Modified Virginia Beach Winter Shelter Operations

​Due to the increase in positive cases of COVID-19 in our community, Winter Shelter operations in Virginia Beach will be modified to provide non-congregate shelter in order to promote the health and safety of homeless individuals and Winter Shelter staff and volunteers. There will be no new Winter Shelter registrations and referrals effective Jan. 14. Individuals who have already accessed Winter Shelter will be assessed and prioritized for the non-congregate shelter program.

"We are so thankful for the churches that have partnered with us to provide a warm place for homeless individuals to sleep during the winter," said Pam Shine, interim homeless services administrator. "We remain committed to providing shelter during the coldest months of the year for those who are most vulnerable and appreciate the continued support of our nonprofit and faith partners.

The non-congregate Winter Shelter program is funded through federal Emergency Solutions Grant–CARES Act funds. PiN Ministry, under a contract with Virginia Beach Housing & Neighborhood Preservation, operates the program.

For more information about the Winter Shelter program and how to help individuals experiencing homelessness during the season, contact PiN Ministry at 757-962-3567.

As always, families and individuals who are homeless or in danger of losing their home should call the Regional Housing Crisis Hotline at 757-227-5932, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Calling the hotline is the starting point for connecting to the homeless service system and community resources in Virginia Beach. More community resources can also be found at www.BEACHCommunityPartnership.org.

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