March 28, 2022

Flood Protection Program Virtual Industry Day Set for April 21

Free event will provide information on design and construction opportunities for flood protection projects and city procurement processes

​The City of Virginia Beach is hosting a Flood Protection Program Virtual Industry Day on Thursday, April 21, 2022, from 10 a.m. to noon. Open exclusively to engineers and contractors, this free virtual event invites participants to learn about bid opportunities for more than 20 of the latest City stormwater and flood mitigation projects.

The Virtual Industry Day will feature a one-day, live presentation plus break-out sessions with City project staff, Q&A, and participant networking. A detailed overview of the Flood Protection Program will be provided along with discussion of related project opportunities, timelines and delivery methods, and insights on navigating the city's procurement process.

Attendees can register for the event at

During the November 2021 general election, Virginia Beach voters overwhelmingly supported a $567.5 million general obligation bond referendum to fund Phase I of a multi-generational flood protection program. With a nearly 73% "yes" vote and authorization of the bond referendum by City Council, plans are now moving forward to accelerate and expand the implementation of projects citywide to reduce the impacts of recurrent flooding.

"Residents understand the importance of upgrading our stormwater and sea level rise infrastructure to safeguard homes, businesses, and the economic vitality of our city," said Virginia Beach City Manager Patrick A. Duhaney. "We gladly invite the collaboration of engineering and construction firms to help us successfully implement these critical projects."

City staff from the Department of Public Works, Purchasing Division, and the city's Small, Women, and Minority-owned (SWaM) Business Office will share presentations. Participation in this event offers businesses of all sizes unique access to technical leaders and a chance to engage with them directly about specific project needs.

"We see Industry Day as key to the success of the Flood Protection Program," said L.J. Hansen, Virginia Beach Director of Public Works. "It provides us with an opportunity to share project details with the construction community up front, address their questions, and reflect on any important feedback they might offer. This type of collaboration is extremely valuable when developing RFPs and other contract documents to ensure successful execution."

The Industry Day virtual meeting room content will be accessible beginning April 18, allowing registered participants early access to project information and a chance to submit questions, which will be addressed during the live session. A recording of the live session, as well as all other resources hosted in the space, will remain accessible for viewing through April 2023.

For more information and to register for the free Flood Protection Program Virtual Industry Day. Following registration, participants will be provided a link to access the live event.

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