August 9, 2022

City Council Selects Delceno Miles to Represent the Bayside District

Delceno Miles has been selected to fill the unexpired City Council term representing the Bayside District. The Bayside District seat had been vacant following the death of former Mayor, former Vice Mayor and long-time Council Member Louis R. Jones on June 18. State code authorizes the City Council to fill the vacancy until an election can be held.

Miles is the president/CEO of The Miles Agency, a Virginia Beach-based marketing and public relations firm that she founded in 1989. Additionally, she previously served on the Virginia Beach School Board and served as vice-chair for two years. Miles holds a B.A. in Psychology from Stanford University and earned her M.A. in Communications from Regent University.

She will take her seat at the dais starting Tuesday, Aug. 16. Miles was selected following a call for applications from Bayside residents interested in filling the vacancy. From the initial group of nine applicants, City Council narrowed the candidates for consideration to three. After hearing from each finalist during the Aug. 2 City Council meeting, the Council heard public comments about each candidate at the Aug. 9 City Council meeting before deliberating to make their decision.

Miles will serve on the City Council until voters select a permanent representative during the November election later this year.

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