April 18, 2022

5/31 Memorial Planning Committee Wants to Hear from You

Community can provide input in-person, via phone or survey

​The next important phase in the work of the Council-appointed 5/31 Memorial Committee's planning process is to hear from the community. The following are opportunities for the public to provide input.

The community is invited to participate through in-person and call-in sessions on Wednesday, April 27. They are designed to allow the public to learn more about the work done to date by the 5/31 Memorial Committee and to offer interested community members an opportunity to provide input through facilitated discussion. Both sessions will be led by facilitators from Kearns & West, the consulting firm contracted by the City to facilitate the memorial planning process.

The in-person session will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, 1000 19th St., with the call-in session, immediately following from 7-8 p.m. Registration is not required.

  • To participate by phone in English, call 888-410-3417
  • To participate by phone in Spanish, call 844-881-1317

A public survey will go live on April 27 at publicinput.com/virginiabeach and will stay open until May 18. Comments can also be e-mailed directly to Kearns & West at vb531@kearnswest.com.

On Thursday, April 28, the 5/31 Memorial Committee will convene at 3 p.m. at The HIVE, 4636 Columbus St., Suite 100. This meeting is open to the public and will also be available via live streaming on www.VBgov.com and facebook.com/cityofvabeach.

Committee Background
City Council appointed 12 members to the committee including the families and survivor liaisons, during their formal session on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021. The City hired consulting firm Kearns & West to facilitate the 5/31 memorial planning process. Kearns & West serves as the family and survivor liaisons, facilitates the Memorial Committee, and creates multiple opportunities for the families, survivors, and community to provide input in the memorial planning process. A list of 5/31 Memorial Committee members, committee goals, and meeting recordings can be found at loveforvb.com/memorial/permanent-memorial.

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