August 5, 2022

New City Council Chamber Dedicated and Open for Use

City Council members, City staff, invited guests and members of our community participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new City Council chamber.

New Council Chamber ribbon cutting

With seating for 300 people and overflow available for 50 more, the new City Council chamber is more than twice the size of the room previously used in the former City Hall. In addition, large monitors are placed throughout the room for ease of viewing presentations and other multimedia content for those attending meetings in person.

The first City Council meeting was held in the new chamber on Tuesday, Aug. 2. Going forward, all City Council and Planning Commission meetings will convene in the new facility, along with any other boards and commissions that typically meet in the City Council chamber.

The City Council chamber is located on the second floor of the new City Hall building. It can be accessed by the stairs in the atrium, or by the elevators to the left of the security desk.

The chamber features a sloped floor and raised council dais for better sightlines and communication to the public, along with technology to enable livestreaming of meetings with closed captioning. The dais was also built with added features for improved security.

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