February 27, 2023

ICYMI: Councilmember Barbara Henley Hosted a District 2 Community Meeting

Councilmember Henley's monthly constituent meeting was held on Thursday, Feb. 23 in Building 19.

District 2 logo

Councilmember Henley's first topic of the evening was the latest on the proposed changes in voting districts that City Council has been discussing. She invited feedback from the approximately 40 attendees and took a number of questions.

Mrs. Henley shared updates on Public Works and Public Utilities projects in District 2. She also provided the latest information on wind energy projects from Dominion Energy and Avangrid. She fielded a number of questions – particularly concerning Avangrid’s proposal which would entail running underground cables through a main area of Sandbridge. Many of the residents of Sandbridge expressed their dissatisfaction with that proposal.

She spoke with the group about the latest police department crime statistics that were just recently released by the department and told the attendees about updates from Police Chief Paul Neudigate.

Mrs. Henley told the group about items in District 2 that would be coming before the Planning Commission and City Council in March and closed out the meeting by reminding everyone of the North Landing River and Albemarle Sound Estuarine Symposium coming up on Friday, March 31at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Flyers were available at the sign-up table for interested individuals.


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