July 15, 2022

5/31 Memorial Planning Committee Makes Memorial Recommendation to City Council

The committee was tasked to gather community input, make decisions on location and design for a memorial in honor of the victims of the May 31, 2019, tragedy.

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At the July 12 City Council meeting, Larry Schooler with Kearns & West, the consulting firm hired to facilitate the memorial planning process, presented an update on behalf of the members of the 5/31 Memorial Planning Committee on the progress made to date since the first meeting in February.

To date, the committee has toured and evaluated locations for a future memorial; considered design elements and components; maintained active, ongoing engagement with families of those whose lives were lost on 5/31; and solicited community input via in-person meetings, telephone, and an online survey, resulting in feedback from more than 500 participants.

As a result of this process, the committee suggested several design elements and recommended the 5/31 permanent memorial be located at the corner of Princess Anne Road and Nimmo Parkway near Building 30.

5/31 Memorial Recommended Site

5/31 Memorial Recommended Site

The committee also provided a suggested timeline for the next steps, which City Council approved. A formal resolution will have to be passed to designate the land location and approve any expenses affiliated with the next steps.

For more details on the completed work and potential timeline, view the presentation given by the 5/31 Memorial Planning Committee to City Council.

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