March 20, 2024

Two Public Hearings Scheduled to Discuss Proposed FY25 City Budget

Residents Have Several Opportunities to Provide Input

The Virginia Beach City Council received the city manager’s proposed operating budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year on March 19.

The City Council will hold two public hearings in April to gather resident input on the budget. Both meetings will be held at 6 p.m. and allow for in-person and virtual audiences.

  • Wednesday, April 17 – Virginia Beach Convention Center, 1000 19th St. – WebEx
  • Tuesday, April 23 – Council Chamber, City Hall, Bldg. 1, 2401 Courthouse Drive – WebEx

Residents wishing to make comments during the hearings must register with the City Clerk’s Office by calling 757-385-4303 prior to 5 p.m. on the day of the hearing. If participating virtually, please also register via WebEx.

Share Your Thoughts
Do you have a specific budget question? Send it to

  • Input related to the budget can be provided via Give your feedback online or leave a voicemail now through 11 p.m. on April 24.
  • Send a comment to the entire City Council at

Use Balancing Act and Taxpayer Receipt
The City has two interactive tools for residents to tinker with the proposed budget, recommend changes and provide feedback. The City Council will receive all suggested changes and comments.

  • Balancing Act: Take a deeper dive into the total net budget by looking at the revenues and expenditures for the proposed budget. For any change made, the budget must still balance.
  • Taxpayer Receipt: See an estimate of how much you paid for your Real Estate and Property (Vehicle) Tax by using this tool and get a receipt for your Virginia Beach taxes.

Read the Budget
To read the proposed budget, visit

  • In three documents: executive summary, operating budget and six-year capital plan.

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