February 17, 2022

What’s Your Vehicle Report Card?

Virginia Beach Police are letting residents know if they pass or fail.
VBPD Vehicle Report Card

In a recent presentation to the City Council reviewing 2021 crime statistics, Police Chief Paul Neudigate noted that there were about 2,900 larcenies from vehicles – a more than 15% increase over 2020.

So, earlier this month, the Virginia Beach Police Department (VBPD) launched a new program in an attempt to help curb thefts from cars. Officers are going to be issuing orange “report cards” to vehicle owners.

Don’t be alarmed, this isn’t a ticket. A failing report card doesn’t actually have any consequences, its purpose is just to inform you that your property could be better protected.

Police officers will inspect cars parked outside for red flags like unlocked doors, rolled-down windows and visible valuables. Officers disseminating the cards will do so without entering, searching, or otherwise opening the vehicle in any way. If everything is properly secured VBPD will also issue a “good” or passing report card and leave it on the windshield for the driver.

Hopefully, this program will encourage car owners to reevaluate the accessibility of their vehicles to those looking to take advantage of vulnerable vehicles or visible property.

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